Contest Details
If you post a question online and subscribe on our Website and Youtube channel and meet all the entry requirements as allowed by law, you will be entered into our quarterly drawing for a free introductory session with me (Coach Jenn via live video chat).*
If you ask a new question that hasn't been already asked and it is chosen for a video and you subscribe on our website and to our Youtube channel you will be entered into a drawing for a free introductory session with me (Coach Jenn via live video chat*) and a drawing for a $25 gift card.
To be considered for the drawings you must
Subscribe on YouTube
Subscribe to Emails at www.AskCoachJenn.com
Post a question online through: Question Form, Live Chat, or Email
My goal is to truly help you be a better version of you through helping answer the questions you have.
*Any contest winners under the age of 18 must have parental consent for the coaching session with Jenn. All questions submitted are kept confidential so don't worry we can't and won't share with mom and dad.
We strive to keep your submissions and information private and confidential. Privacy Policy
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©2019 by AskCoachJenn.
Disclaimer: Please note if you are struggling with depression,
anxiety, suicidal thoughts or
any other mental health related issues
please seek professional help in your community.
For immediate help please call
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
or 911